This Sunday, I challenged the church to do three things to sequester themselves and focus on their relationship with God. These three things are:
- On-going Prayer
- Daily Scripture Reading
- Weekly Worship and Connection
Each of these seems simple on its face, but how simple are they to practice? If we are honest, they aren't easy to program into our daily life. Ask 10 people why it's tough and 8 of the 10 will likely give the same answer - TIME. We have 24 hours in our day, but we struggle carving out a few minutes a day to focus on His Word. We have 168 hours in our week, but we struggle to prioritize connecting and worshiping God every week. Reality is, this is tough for all of us.
So what can you do to make room for God in your schedule?
- In your commute time, listen to God's Word. When you are waiting to pick up your kids from school or activities, listen to God's Word. If you have a smartphone and the Bible App, you have everything you need to listen to the Bible. Simply push the sound icon at the top of the app and God's Word will be read to you.
- With your schedule, plan what matters most - FIRST. Prioritize being in a small group and getting your kids and students in a group. It's not a question of whether or not you are available. You make the choice. All of us can find two hours a week to connect with a group. Before your schedule fills up, fill it with things that will fill you up!
- See prayer differently. Prayer isn't just something that you open or close your day with. Prayer isn't just something that you do before you eat. Prayer can happen anywhere and anytime. You don't even have to schedule it. Just be aware of God's presence in you and with you and talk with Him wherever you are. If carving out 30 minutes a day to pray doesn't work for you, then pray 60 times for a minute throughout your day and you have doubled your prayer!