Things I Wish I Said | The Blame Game

Sometimes when I preach, I see glazed over looks and I wonder, "Is anyone getting this?"  On those days, I have to trust that God's Word never returns void.  He will accomplish what He wants to accomplish.  Other times, like yesterday, I see light bulbs going off over people's heads as they think, process, and learn new things from God's Word.  It's still God's Word that accomplishes the work, but I get to see His activity before my very eyes.  I get to see God confront us with our sin.  I get to see God comfort us in our pain.  I get to see God transform our heart and life to live differently.   I saw all of this as we dealt with The Blame Game.

Now, for some things that I wish I said:
  • We will never grow if we keep blaming others.
  • Blame never draws people together.  It only causes loneliness and isolation.
  • Blame isn't a strategy for behavior change.  Blame is the path toward toward destruction in relationships.
  • When we feel guilty and full of shame, we are prone to blame someone else for what we are feeling and experiencing.
  • If I have a problem with someone, that is my problem to act on - not theirs.
  • Even if they won't, I will because God has forgiven me.
  • I can forgive others, like God has forgiven me.
Don't B-lame and blame others.  Own your stuff.  Bear with and forgive one another.  Stop The Blame Game.
