Things I Wish Russell Said, Obadiah

As we were talking through what the Lord did among us yesterday, we had a great time encouraging Russell with how He was used by God to teach and lead us.  In the midst of that conversation, Steve had the idea that I should tweak this week's things I wish I said and make blog on the things I wish Russell said instead.  What a brilliant idea!  So, it is with much thanks to Russell that I present: Things I Wish Russell Said.
  • I commit more sins of omission that I do sins of commission - and so do you.
  • If you know that you should do something and you don't do it, the Bible calls that sin.
    Here's proof: If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them. James 4:17
  • We live in a culture that breaks God's heart when it comes to the sins of omission.  Here's proof:  Teens Filmed and Mocked and Drowning Man.
  • We live in a world where good people step up and do the right thing.  Here's proof:
    Chicago Bears Player Saves Choking Man in Austin Airport.
  • God humbles the proud and gives grace to the humble.
  • Too many times, when I see the needs of people, my heart looks like the Edomites - superior, aloof, and unhelpful.
