Things I Wish I Said, Trending

Wow.  What a start to the new series, Trending.  I absolutely love this series.  We've done similar series over the years and God uses it every time we do it.  There is something so powerful and real about directly speaking to the issues of the day.

Yesterday, I did something that I have only done twice in the last 9 years.  I went with a completely different talk than I had planned.   The plan was to go with a talk on great comebacks inspired by the Houston Astros.  But, with the terror incident in London on Saturday night, a change had to be made and I'm glad that I made it.   We all struggle with fear and anxiety to some extent.  We all need the peace that Jesus gives.

If you missed the message, I encourage you to go to and watch the message later this afternoon.

Now, for some things that I wish I said:
  • We must speak up as the church to ease the tension and anxiety in the world around us.  We can't let the only voice of peace to be the voice of musicians and celebrities.
  • We have the answer to anxiety.
  • We do things that wreck our peace instead of building a peaceful life.
  • It's not easy to have peace every day, but it's always possible to have peace.
  • God's peace is better than any substitute for peace that we may choose.
So, are you wishing that you heard the great comeback message instead?  Good news, we will post it online today, too.  "How do we have the message?," you ask.  I record my planned message for Sundays on Thursday afternoons so that we have a back up [for Lone Tree and Port Lavaca] in case of internet crashes.  We haven't had to use the Thursday video in quite a while, but it's always there just in case.
