Sticky Grace, Things I Wish I Said

Wow!  What a great start to the new series, Sticky Faith.  So excited to see people discover and dig deep into the grace of God.  As I said in the talk, if we don't have a proper understanding of God's grace, our faith won't stick.

As I think about this Sunday, I am so grateful for how the Lord is going before us as a church.  The offers on our property in Port Lavaca is just one example of how He is working.  As a staff team, we work hard, but we can never outwork God!  In addition, God's timing is perfect and can be trusted. We announced the potential sale of the .75 acres on the largest day of the year for our Port Lavaca campus.  298 people were excited as they left because of what God is doing!

Now, for some things that I wish I said....

  • My wife is the most graceful person that I have ever met.  She has the gift of mercy and applies it to every area of her life.  She loves deeply and cares passionately because she gets grace and wants the same for others.
  • There are two dangerous responses to grace.  Choose either one and your faith won't stick.  The first is to refuse God's grace.  Don't let grace of God in and all you have left is sin management.  The second failed response it to trample on God's grace by not becoming who He would have you be. Refuse to let God's grace change you and your faith won't stick.
  • God's grace was given to us to change us, not just to forgive us.
  • Without God's grace, we are all destined to fail.
  • Our kids learn about God's grace from how we treat them.
