Things I Wish I Said...

I love, love, love this series.  I love it for a surprising reason.  I love it because your questions have allowed for me to teach some profound truth in very personal ways.  And get this:  You are thanking me for it.  Person after person has reached out to me to say thanks for holding to the truth and for teaching in such a way that we can learn and grow.
Thanks for being the church that accepts and expects straight forward teaching.
Now, here are some things that I wish I said:
  • I wish that I said in both services.  "I prayed about it."  is the Christian equivalent to the redneck saying, "Hold my beer."   If we aren't careful, good people will do some very dumb things and excuse it with "Well, I prayed about it."
  • It's a good thing that our happiness and our holiness aren't mutually exclusive because God wants both for our lives.  He wants us to be happy and holy.
  • All kids don't walk away from the Lord in their teenage years.  I know some pretty awesome teenagers who are walking with the Lord and serving Him faithfully.
  • The pursuit of spiritual growth is a life-long pursuit.  We must make the daily decision to follow and remain in Him.
  • If we truly believed that apart from Jesus, we could do nothing then we would pray differently.  Depend on Him differently and follow Him radically. 
  • It is so much fun to see people go public with their faith through baptism.  This week, we witnessed 7 people go public with their faith.  It never gets old!
Did you miss the message?  Watch here.
