Things I Wish I Said...

Every week it happens.  I'm driving home after preaching and it hits me or we are talking through the service on Monday morning and it hits me.  At some point after every message, the thought hits me:  "I wish I had said..."  This week as we celebrated 25 years of Parkway Church, it is no different.

Here are some things I wish I said in this Sunday's message:

  • Every church matters, not just our church.
  • We are forever grateful to our friends at First Baptist Victoria who played such a key role in the planting of our church.
  • Everyone has a favorite season in the church.  It's likely the one that reached them or where they were used by God in a significant way as they served.  Make this your favorite season in the church by letting God challenge you to grow as a disciple and serve others.  This is your choice. (You may hear this point in my message on the 15th as we kick off Building Relationships that Build Disciples.)
  • Halepaskas makes a amazing cake, so I hear.  I didn't have a piece.  What's up with that? Loved seeing everyone hang out, though.  Noting like a plate and a fork to help people connect with one another.
  • We have crazy talented and committed worship teams.  Every week, they work together to lead us in worship in powerful ways at all three locations.   We should thank God for them!

Well, that's it for this chilly Monday morning.


Unknown said…
You were dead on yesterday! It brought back so many memories for Garry and I. We talked about our 25 years at Parkway throughout the day. We first came to Parkway in December 1992. Grayson's Kindergarten teacher invited her class to an event, Christmas In the Woods! Seems like so long ago and we are so grateful! Our lives were forever changed at that event!