Really Smart Guys

Throughout the Love Dare series, I am going to post some great content from a couple of relational experts that I love. Who are they? Well, they are John Townsend and Henry Cloud. I met Henry a few years back when he was the speaker at our Small Groups Conference at MBC. He is an amazing guy. He is scary smart and yet down to earth. I could really relate to him except for being scary smart. His partner in ministry, John Townsend, over the years has played a significant role in some of my friends lives. Check out these quick videos:

Is it a problem if one person in a marriage is a brand new Christian and the other has walked with the Lord their whole life?

Do you think men are more interested in women who are inaccessible? If so, should I try to play hard to get?

I'm dating someone who doesn't like to deal with any conflict. When a disagreement arises or something happens that results in hurt feelings, he doesn't want to talk about it at all and he shuts down. What do I do?

The two secret weapons for any argument.
