Things I Wish I Said (Hurricane Edition)...

Yesterday was an amazing day. On Wednesday, we ditched our original plan for Sunday due to the fact that it looked like Ike was heading our way. When the storm turned toward Houston, we didn't change our plans because we had so many people who left Victoria for higher ground. I wanted to save my vision talk and the worship service for a weekend when Victoria didn't resemble a ghost town. I sure am glad that I we went with this decision. God ambushed us during both services. The first service was amazing. In the midst of a street flooding storm, hundreds of people showed up to worship, serve, and care for others. As I was talking about the "storms" of life and the difference a little bit of faith makes, we could hear the storm and we could feel the storm. As water came in the building, we could even see the effects of the storm as we worshiped. The worship set was very engaging and then I looked at the 5 times in the New Testament that the phrase "O Ye of Little Faith" was used. (Funny how I drop into King James' English on that phrase.) Then I gave an invitation. During the invitation at the first service, four people gave their lives to Christ. From my perspective, this would be the absolute least likely time for someone who doesn't know Christ to be a church and yet FOUR people prayed with me to trust Christ. Amazing.

Now on to things that I wish I had said:

1. Thanks to all of those who stepped up to serve yesterday. We had a ton of people who weren't scheduled to serve but stepped up. Thanks to all who asked, "What can I do?"

2. If you are in the middle of a storm, you don't see that help is on the way. Think about all of the people in Houston and Galveston who don't have power. They don't know all that others are doing around them for their benefit.

3. Everyone in attendance gets a free car. I meant to use this joke but forgot. Our friends from Port Lavaca used our land as their evacuation lot.

4. We didn't evacuation and neither did our neighbors. They said that as long as the preacher was staying put so were they. Funny how our actions effect others.

5. It was great to have evacuees worship with us yesterday. I was so proud of Julie for stopping by hotels and inviting people to come to Parkway.

I think that is it for now.
