Yesterday's talk was a tough one to deliver, but I think it was needed. We all need the reminder that we grow through the commitments that we make to God. We are never ready for the next step that God is calling us to, but God still calls and he prepares us along the way. You get the idea. Now for things I wish I had said:
- It would have been very cool to be a part of the group walking along with Jesus in Luke 9. I would have loved to see the look in his eyes has he called men to follow him.
- Once we understand that we "grow through commitments not to commitments," then we can stop worrying about us and start moving along with Jesus.
- If you are walking with Jesus, he is going to take you places that you never imagined.
- The church has too many "excepts" some times.
- No regrets means no looking back.
- Giving isn't just an act of obedience. It is an act of worship.
- God doesn't need our money, but he deserves our worship.
- Can you imagine what the people of God could do for the kingdom of God if they were debt free?!?
- Some of you need to step up and join Parkway church. The time is now.
- Keeping priorities in line takes focus and energy. If we don't pay attention, we will never build the lives that God wants for us.