Things that I Wish I Said...

Tomorrow, we are heading for a few days in Orlando. I am speaking at an event for LifeWay International on Friday so we are going to spend the rest of the week playing at Disney. The kids have been looking forward to it for months. So, here is the early edition of things I wish I said.

I wish that I said things more clearly during the first service.I couldn't get my mouth to work right during the first service which is a real problem! It was very frustrating.
I wish I had more time to challenge the men that were being ordained. This is a huge step for them and I wanted to honor them with a few more words.
I didn't want the 2nd service to end. It was amazing. When Nancy came down to get baptized, I almost lost it.
I wish I had more time to focus on how you and I are like eunuchs, but I couldn't do so without some very inappropriate humor.

Have a great week. I am not sure how much blogging will happen since we will be away, but my guess is that I will jump on to fill you in on things from time to time.


Anonymous said…
girls baptized?
Mike Hurt said…
Okay, Julie called me out. I forgot to mention that the girls were baptized. It was very cool. They both proudly walked on stage and announced their faith in Christ.
Anonymous said…
:) pictures?