Simple Small Groups

Last week, a non-descript white envelope showed up in my mailbox at MBC. Inside, I could feel that it was a manuscript. My heart beat fast. I thought that I was about to get my first look at RePurposed. I was ready to be really proud of myself. I was wrong but not disappointed. It wasn't my book. It was a book entitled Simple Small Groups by a friend, Bill Search. Bill and I are small groups conference junkies. We hang out at Willow and soak up all of the time that we can with each other and with other group life leaders. I only see Bill once a year, but every time I am blessed and encouraged by our time together. So it was a honor to hold a gallery copy of his soon to be published work. Then, the honor was taken to the next level. I was asked to endorse his book. Will I? ABSOLUTELY. I read it and love it. Bill gives us a mindset for group life not just another method or model of group life. We need this. We need Bill's creativity and thought on the national stage and in a bookstore near you.

Check out Bill's blog at
