Multi-site v. Church Planting

The death match of the coming years is multi-site v. church planting. By death match, I mean the we are right and you are wrong statements. My guess is that the intensity of the conversations will increase in the years to come. Church planters will claim they are following the Biblical model by creating fully functioning churches with real live pastors. The multi-site crowd will say that they are following the Biblical model by goinging and making disciples. Who is right? Both. I am convinced that God is big enough to have more than one method to launch churches that reach people for Christ. He can use a video screen. He can use a flesh and bones preacher, too.

Perry had an interesting post on this today.

Scroll down to the video at the bottom of Steven's post to see how multi-site was used in the 50's.

By the way, if you are looking for a good overview of the multi-site movement, there is no better place to start than the Multi-site Revolution. Both the blog and the book are great.


Jennifer Bacak said…
This sounds like it could be a debate around my family's dinner table. (My whole family of course.)
Mike, it's good to hear from you! God is doing amazing things through you!
Keep in touch!
Mike Hurt said…
Jenn...I'd love to be a fly on the wall during some of your family's debates.