We didn't know how powerful a connection this would be until we got there. Let me just tell you that the experience was more powerful and meaningful than any of us expected. Over 3 years after the flood, the destruction was all around us in the upper nineth ward. My guess is that only 1 in 8 houses was inhabited and probably half will never be lived in again. Some people still lived near their flooded out houses in FEMA trailers. TV can't translate how bad a living situation this is. It will be years before its back - if ever. Put these sights into the context of the book of Nehemiah and the spiritual challenges are clear.
Let me share a few:
Rebuilding is more about people than it is about homes.
Rebuilding happens on a variety of levels - physical, spiritual, social, and governmental.
Rebuilding requires risk and courageouss leadership.
Rebuilding will never happen without God's hand.
Heather from the Threads Team took the pic of me on a vintage box camera. She tells me that the pictures of the day are haunting. I will assume that she means the location not the author.