Virtual Christmas Letter [Part 2]

So, I (Mike) will start the Christmas letter with highlights from my year. This year has been a blast.

In January, we launched our first Community Campus, Frontline Arlington. It is going strong almost one year in.

In June, my first book, Connect the Dots, hit the shelves. Amazingly enough, people bought it. It has been climbing on the LifeWay sales charts since its release. I just recently signed a contract to write another study with Threads that is due out in midyear '08.

In July, we finalized plans for the launch of two more campuses in Early '08. We have had some bumps in the road with zoning and other permissions with one of them, but I am hopeful that both campuses will launch in '08. Leading through these challenges has really impressed upon me that I need to trust God's timing - not just Mike's timing. That's a tough lesson.

In October, we launched our Internet Campus. Would anyone go to church online? Apparently so, we have over 700 people a week worshiping online. Very cool.

In addition to the writing and leading, I was privileged to teach at a few small group events including the Willow Creek Small Groups Conference. I also preached at both MBC and Frontline services. Filling in for Lon and Todd is a big task and I was honored to do it.

I could continue on, with all that God has done in '07, but I will leave it at this. God has used me more than I could hope and imagine this year. Can't wait to see what happens next...

(If you are thinking, did you spend anytime with your family? The answer is yes. We will post those highlights on another day.)

Click here to read the other Virtual Christmas letter postings.
