From the Mouth of Babes

Yesterday, Kristi called to tell me tell me about an exchange she had with Bekah, our 3 year old daughter. I have not stopped laughing about it since.

Apparently, Bekah was being a strong willed 3 year old in Target. Plenty of kicking and screaming - you get the picture. In response, Kristi tells her that when they get home she is going to spank her. When they make it home, they meet in the bathroom and Kristi asks, "Bekah, do you know why mommy is going to spank you?" Bekah looked at Kristi with the most innocent eyes imaginable and responds, "Because you are human." At which point they shared a good laugh until Kristi said, "I am going to spank you because we are both human."

Bekah knew what was coming next...
