Virtual Christmas Letter [Part 6]

A mom's blog is never done - at least that is what Kristi tells me. So, I, Mike, am going to write Kristi's update. If she wrote it, she would tell you that her main role is that of kid taxi. But she does so much more than that. She is very engaged in the kid's schools. This year, she was the PTA chairperson of the Welcome Committee at Nick and Leah's brand new school. She also volunteers in the classroom on a very regular basis. I think she attends more of their classes than I attended in college, but that is another story.

Kristi's life isn't all about the kid's though. She is also the party planner for our street. This year, we hosted an Easter party for the neighbors with over 1000 eggs and 70 neighbors. Her ability to throw a fun, creative party amazes me.

At church, she is on the Kid's Quest check-in team. She helps new families connect to the church as she signs their kids into their classes. This is a small task that makes a huge difference. She also continues to study the Bible through Precepts studies. She actually does the homework!

For me, she continues to provide a loving safe place for me to be me. This can be more of a job than we would like to admit at times, but I love her for it and couldn't do all that God has called me to do without it. I heard this year that it is true that behind every good man is a great woman - rolling her eyes. I thank God for a woman that is honoring even when she wants to roll her eyes. That's my wife.

Happy New Year.
